Embassy Shield Chrome SHAPE
August 17, 2020
Embassy Shield Logo on Black Trucker Cap
August 19, 2020Black Trucker Cap White Skully print
5 Panel Black Trucker Cap, screenprinted with the Embassy Skully Logo in White.
Out of stock
SKU: Black Trucker
Category: Clothing
Tags: Alva Skateboards Christian Fletcher Cockfight Skateboards dave duncan Embassy Embassy Pride embassy skateboards Embassy Swag embassy sweets Fork Crew Halloween John Gibson john tex gibson Juice Magazine ken fillion lee leal Olympics 2020 Punk Rock Pushead ride with pride scary shit shane munce Shane Munce Art Skateboard Art Swamp Fest Texas is the Reason Texas SKateboarding The Berrics Thrasher Magazine todd prince Tony Alva World Cup Skateboarding World Series Zorlac Skateboards
Weight | 0.5 lbs |