Jaime Mateu “California Dreaming”
June 16, 2021World Cup European Tour
September 12, 2021Jaime Mateu joins the EMBASSY Pride

Jaime Mateu, Johnny Romano Skatepark, Galveston, Tx
WELCOME to the Embassy Pride. When we got the call that Jaime Mateu was looking for a new board sponsor, we didn’t waste time evaluating that situation. We busted out the calculator to calculate Dollars to Euro’s and BOO-YA-KAA, Jaime will be getting in the van, hopping on the plane or stepping on a train. It’s going to be an added adventure to every Embassy road trip coming to a town near you. We are stoked to have this crazy Spaniard added to the mix. Jaime was scheduled for a visit to the Embassy HQ in Houston, Texas to meet the Embassy “OG’s” and the local Houston Pride. We maximized our time to hit as many spots possible. North Spring Skatepark, Galveston, Gulfton, Southside, Lee and Joe Jamail Downtown Houston, EZ-7, Houston Vert Ramp (HVR) would all get abused. It was a full packed week of adventure. Nathan Midgette’s number was drawn for a Texas trip. So he was up for duty. They both got to shoot guns for the first time. What’s a trip to the “Lonestar State” if you can’t go blow some shit up. All in all, it was gnarly session’s every stop we hit. Just imagine when Ben Johnson, Collin Graham, Ronan Livingston, Dylan O’Neal, Cody G and the rest of the posse all get in on it.

Jaime Mateu, one legged frontside invert.

Nathan Midgette, Sadplant, G-Rock
Nathan Midgette flew into Houston to get in on the fun. This was just a glimpse of what’s to come. Nathan was on fire the whole week.
Next stop was North Spring Skatepark. There is always to much tranny for the mind to comprehend at this Texas sized playground. of course Jaime would figure out 5 NBD’s in about 5 minutes. It was a crazy 3 hours to witness the concrete assault. From backside Boneless to fakie on the full pipe outer extension to gnarly transfer’s taking most things to revert. The speed, the risk, the confidence, the makes had me knowing we made the right decision in acquiring Jamie. When I spoke to Todd Prince about the opportunity to get Jaime on Embassy, he just said “What?, Are you kidding me? Make that happen”.

Nathan Midgette, 1:00 Fullpipe at the North Houston Skatepark.

Jaime Mateu, Boneless to fakie

Jaime Mateu, Nose Grind to Revert.

Nathan Midgette, Stalefish

Cody G, was there to meet Jaime and Nathan. Embassy Pride

Jaime Mateu. Guflton Skatepark. Kickflip to fakie

Backside 360 over the volcano, Gulfton Skatepark

Jaime Mateu channel’s his best Davy Crockett

Jaime gets to feel the AR-15. Thanks Tyler for the lesson’s, gun’s and ammo.
Special shout out to Tyler and Marley for taking the boy’s out to shoot some guns. It isn’t a proper trip to Texas if you don’t get to act like crazy Texan’s with guns. It was a fun day. Nathan was super stoked to feel to power and kick. He handled that Glock-9 like a pro defending his mom’s house. Seeing the two skeet shoot with the shotgun was entertaining. It left both guys itching to go skate.

Nathan handles the Glock 9 like a pro

Jaime Mateu, Saran Wrap to fakie at Southside Skatepark

Jaime, Boneless off the wall

Doubles with Nathan & Jaime, Lee and Joe Jamail Skatepark

Jaime, Lee & Joe Jamail Skatepark,

Nathan Midgette spreads one over the steps.

Embassy Crew, Cody G, Nathan Midgette, Scott Mr HRV, and Jaime

Crawfish Cookout, Texas Style

Jaime and Gibson, “Yeah Buddy, Killing the Game”

Nathan & Jaime. That’s a wrap on a week full of thrills and spills. Jaime was welcomed with open arms and opened beers. It was my pleasure to hear some of Jaime’s stories about the struggle, about the ride, about joining a family, about skaters that don’t sweat. He talked about skaters that have the perfect style, the perfect tricks, the skaters that make it look so clean and easy. He told me something I will never forget. “With me, it will not look clean. It WILL get dirty, I WILL push it to the limit, above and beyond the sky, I will make you proud”. All I can say is let the journey begin.
Words and photos by Lee Leal
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